
The Cenotaph

Construction has began on our long awaited Cenotaph, it will be ready for our Remembrance Day Commemoration.

Further updates will follow.

Air Force Rugby Union Presentations

On Sunday 28 April 24, the sub Branch had the honour and privilege to host the RAAF Rugby Union Team, and then to present the first 15 with their Jerseys.

The team had a win against Army, but with Army beating Navy in the final game they still finished third, better luck next year and we look forward to catching up again.

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Sunday 14 Apr 24

Members of the Sub Branch and Auxiliary taking part in the Welfare Fundraising Sausage Sizzle.  Thank you to all who attended and helped on the day.

ANZAC Day Bowls Friday 12 Apr 24

This years event was held at Windsor Bowls club on a glorious Autumn day.  Thanks to all who attended and made for a great day.  Congratulations to this years winners, Ian Shepherd and Jim MacKenzie.

Hawkesbury River Cruise

Thank you to Ian Brady for this video

Sub Branch Cruise

50 Years of Service

Read about Sub Branch member Ian "Blue" Macgregor's  50 years of service with the RAAF

Guitars for Veterans 

The G4V Group from the Sub Branch performs at the Christmas Function.

Video - Happy Xmas War is Over

Video - Sloop John B

AWM Refurbishment Update

Attached is a link to two documents recently presented at RAAF Richmond in relation to the ongoing refurbishment at the AWM.

AWM Presentation  AWM Talk

Sub Branch Memorabilia 

The Sub Branch, with the support of Club CEO Chris Whitely, have returned some of the memorabilia to the front reception area.


Last Post Ceremony

Thanks to all that came down to Canberra for this event and the subsequent VIP Tour of the AWM.

Video of the ceremony

Further Photos 

HM Forces Veterans Pin
All those who have served in HM Forces (UK), are entitled to apply for a lapel pin, further details are available at the following link,

Veterans Lapel Pin

Best RSL in Sydney
Congratulations to the Windsor RSL Club, voted best RSL in Sydney by Readers of the Daily Telegraph.  Well done to the whole team.

ANZAC Day Dawn Service

Our Annual Dawn Service was extremely well attended, and we are very grateful for the wonderful support we receive from the local community, and especially from the local High Schools who always provide us with excellent young people to read prayers and speeches.

Thank you to all that attended and made for great day.

(Images are available in the Gallery, along with audio of this year and video from previous events).

ANZAC Day Golf

The annual bowls event took place on Friday 28th April, at the Windsor Golf Club.

The day consisted of a "Novelty" round where players could chose the four ball completion they played, but each two man team counted their putts, which were then used to determine the winners.

Congratulations to Ron "Pogo" Morgan and Chris Pearson who finished with a score of 12.  Special mention to Mike Neilson and Dave Hadfield who scored a bonus with a chip in from off the green.

See you all at the Mid year event........

ANZAC Day Bowls

The annual bowls event took place on Friday 21st April, four teams of triples took part in a two round event.

Round 1 Results

Dave Hadfield, Les Woodford and Terry Flannigan beat Ron Morgan, Andrew Rourke and Jim MacKenzie +5

Pete O'Keefe, Joe Portelli and Dave Gosden beat Julie O'Keefe, Bob Minett and Merv Morgan +8

Round 2 Results

Dave Hadfield, Les Woodford and Terry Flannigan beat Pete O'Keefe, Joe Portelli and Dave Gosden +5

Julie O'Keefe, Bob Minett and Merv Morgan beat Ron Morgan, Andrew Rourke and Jim MacKenzie +18

Winners with two wins and +10 on the day - Dave Hadfield, Les Woodford and Terry Flannigan.

Thank you to all that attended and made for great day.

Windsor ANZAC Memorial

The DA has been submitted and is currently at the Public Consultation stage, it continues to progress through the various steps, we will keep you update as it progresses.

Colo Memorial

The Executive will continue to meet with Robyn Preston to ensure that the pre election promise to refurbish the memorial continues.